<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> <%Session.CodePage=65001%> 无锡市鲲鹏科工贸有限公司--样品图库--除垢防垢剂(25公斤袋装)


                      Wuxi Kunpeng Technology, Industry and Trade Co., Ltd.  ADDRESS:No.1,YongDingXiang , Wuxi     
                      TEL:86-510-82750743 82762978                          FAX:0510-82715897   
 品  名:防垢阻垢剂
 型  号:wL102
 规  格:25公斤/件
 包  装:塑料编织袋

Applicable scope:(适用范围)

Heating hot water circulatory system, central air conditioning water circulating system, industry cooling aqueous system.

Amount used:(用量)

Basis water quality degree of hardness extremely is different with the dose for circulating water amount used's 2~8, carries on the fluctuation suitably (PH between 8~8.5). reference: Water quality total hardness when 1.5-2.5 hao mole of/liters, the system water PH value should control between 7.5~8. water quality degree of hardness when 2-3 hao mole of/liters, the system water PH value should control between 8~8.5. water quality degree of hardness when 4-5 hao mole of/liters, the system water PH value should control between 10~11.


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